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Working with text

This is the first definition you should know, this one allows you to create a text in a PDF document.

To create a text, you need create an instance of Txt class.

// Single text.
new Txt('Hello world!').end;

BUT If your text doesn't have any format, it's recommended to create a literal text on your PDF.

const pdf = new PdfMakeWrapper();

pdf.add('Hello world!');

This will keep your code less verbose.


Use Txt definition when the text requires a format/style (bold, alignment, etc...), otherwise, use a literal string, remember that add and rawContent methods can receive literal objects that pdfmake accepts.

To add format/style to your text, you need to create a Txt instance and call the methods you need.

// Adding format to text
new Txt('Hello world!').alignment('center').italics().end;

If you want to create a more complex text, you can pass an array of strings/Txt's as a parameter. For example, this code will create a text in this format:

This is a complex TEXT .

new Txt([
new Txt('This ').bold().end,
new Txt('is ').color('red').end,
'a ',
new Txt('complex ').italics().end,
new Txt('TEXT').decoration('lineThrough').end

This is all you need to know about text, you can play with Txt to explore what you can do.