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Creates a table of content. This works next to TocItem definition.

constructor(code: string)

new Toc('Table of content').end;

textStyle(style: IStyleDefinition): Toc

Defines the text style for toc items. It allows all the available methods IStyleDefinition provides as properties.

new Toc('Table of content').textStyle({
italics: true,
fontSize: 10

numberStyle(style: IStyleDefinition): Toc

Defines the number (page number) style for toc items. It allows all the available methods IStyleDefinition provides as properties.

new Toc('Table of content').numberStyle({
bold: true,
fontSize: 15

textMargin(margin: number | [number, number] | [number, number, number, number]): Toc

Defines the text (toc items) margins.

new Toc('Table of content').textMargin([50, 5]).end;



Toc properties (extends from IStyleDefinition).

  • readonly title: any;
  • readonly numberStyle?: IStyleDefinition;
  • readonly textStyle?: IStyleDefinition;
  • readonly textMargin?: number | [number, number] | [number, number, number, number];